Labyrinth Update History

Labyrinth Code Update History

Version: 2024.12.23
ADDED: Color Commentary in Barrel Ball by Tim Kitzrow!
ADDED: Open Door Ball Drain Recovery - Balls drained while door is open get re-launched on door close.
ADDED: New Feature setting for which directions the U-TURN ball save works for (Left/Right/Both)
ADDED: On startup if Neuron firmware errors are detected, reprogramming the board is attempted.
ADDED: More detail in the Expansion bus detection section of the hardware alert.
ADDED: "Double Flip" in high score entry will jump to "END" (Thanks Travis!)
ADDED: New Pricing Setting with options for text to display if there are no credits.
ADDED: New Feature Setting to disable Barrel Ball Callouts if preferred.

CHANGED: Maximum limits raised on settings for 'bonus' credit/coin settings.
CHANGED: All settings sorted/organized and numbered for easier reference.
CHANGED: Some network menu options renamed for clarity
CHANGED: Ball start ball save adjusted to be independent of the shooter lane switch.

FIXED: "Bonus Coins" setting was actually broken, so giving bonus partial credits didn't work.
FIXED: In the Topper Test, if you tried to navigate with the Left Flipper, things broke.
FIXED: The start button blink cycle stops during the coil test so that testing that 'coil' can be seen.
FIXED: Wiseman Multiball Lightshows were broken.
FIXED: Disable upper sling didn't work as intended, does now.

Version: 2024.10.14
ADDED: Barrel Ball! It's our take on the party game "Stall Ball".

Stall Ball, if you're not familiar with it, is a multi-player party game where a large group
of players take turns to try to "stall" the ball in a safe spot, and then move to the back 
of the line. Basically it's like pinball musical chairs.

Barrel Ball is our way to make the game you use for 'stalling' cooperate with the idea, 
rather than just do whatever it normally does. In our take on it, you want to shoot a white 
shot to get a stall. If a white shot gets used 3 times, it turns into a red shot. If you 
shoot a red shot or drain the ball, you're eliminated.

ADDED: New lightshows for Wiseman Multiball.

CHANGED: Specific error message if FAST hardware isn't detected at all.
CHANGED: Ball search tweaked to make the ramp lift earlier in the operation.
CHANGED: Ello figure stays present for Tea Time Multiball.
CHANGED: Game logs code version to error log on startup.

FIXED: Progress in goblin city could derail when the gate shot timed out.
FIXED: Jareth wouldn't unload sometimes if tilted in challenge mode.
FIXED: The instant info shouldn't get stuck in a state where it won't activate any more.
FIXED: Starting Wiseman MB during another MB, and draining to 1 ball during intro would end Wiseman MB.
FIXED: Tilting in the time gap between "drain registered" and "bonus started" would get stuck in tilt.

Version: 2024.09.25
ADDED: Challenge Mode! Take a One-shot chance at Goblin City Multiball or Battle Jareth right from the start.
ADDED: Cooperative Mode! Score, Orbs, and general progress are shared between players.
 - In ATTRACT mode, hold the RIGHT flipper button for 3 seconds to activate the gameplay menu.
ADDED: New "SAVE/LOAD" section in settings menu to save up to 5 personalized configurations!
ADDED: New feature settings to turn on/off the new gameplay modes.
ADDED: New feature setting for Labyrinth mode start via Wiseman shot, so it can be disabled if desired.
ADDED: New feature setting for the combo timeout delay in Poisoned Peach.
ADDED: New feature settings for tuning mode qualification difficulty. (Letters Spotted/Shots Lit)
ADDED: New music track for Battle Jareth.
ADDED: New 'orb is lit' display.

CHANGED: LABYRINTH no longer fully spelled on start. Default setting needs 1 shot now.
CHANGED: Some uninteresting details of 'Burn In' testing mode operation.

FIXED: Orb audits were not recording for orbs not directly tied to a mode.
FIXED: Several Goblin City audit bits were not hooked up.
FIXED: Force topper to stop dancing if volume is adjusted during outro music.
FIXED: Losing an orb in Jareth when a red scoop shot was lit wouldn't backtrack properly.
FIXED: Tilting during orb multiplier assignment would carry assignment over to next ball.
FIXED: In Goblin City a drain/restart after hitting the "last" required ramp shot would break things.

Version: 2024.09.03
CHANGED: New flipper control (thanks FAST team!) with much better knockdown recovery.
CHANGED: Ball 1 mode rotation starts in a random location, unless in tournament mode.
CHANGED: Change to the way the coil test handles flipper hold coils.

FIXED: If all shots were correct color when question is asked in 4 guards, wall would go up erroneously.
FIXED: Fireys orb requirement was incorrectly set in solo play.
FIXED: Quickly navigating in & out of the levels of the service menu could leave you stuck.

Version: 2024.08.06
ADDED: Setting in Standard Settings for "GI Color Style" - Warm/Cool.
ADDED: Setting in coils to adjust jareth magnet firing percentage, or disable entirely.

CHANGED: Brick Keeper MB orb lights as soon as the jackpot quota is met, not at the end of MB.
CHANGED: Firey's orb requirement is now "pop a cumulative total of 5 heads", not collect a super jackpot.
CHANGED: Oubliette's orb requirement is now "complete a cumulative total of 5 doors".
CHANGED: Bog's orb requirement is now "make a cumulative total of 5 orange shots".
CHANGED: Friend Multiball orb requirement is now collect a jackpot, not just play friend multiball.
CHANGED: If tilt is allowed in shooter lane, shooter will fire if playfield is not yet valid during tilt.
CHANGED: Number of shots required to light modes throughout game adjusted on most difficulty settings.

FIXED: Oubliette "second" shots could register more than once in certain circumstances, which breaks it.
FIXED: Topper reaction to starting an earned extra ball was broken.
FIXED: Servos wouldn't update settings on menu exit, only on restart.
FIXED: Wifi SSIDs/Passwords with spaces in them should connect ok now.
FIXED: There was still an edge case that would stall the bonus collect.
FIXED: Several different errors involving timing of game tilts have been corrected.

Version: 2024.06.18
FIXED: Friendzy could still start during Friend MB in one particular way.
FIXED: "Coin 2" input wasn't working properly to add credits.

Version: 2024.06.14
ADDED: Poisoned Peach - Complete a mode row and Jareth will take drastic action!
ADDED: Current code version now shown on the center/bottom of the Labyrinth title page in attract.
ADDED: New optional setting to disable lost ball compensation outside of tournament mode.
ADDED: New optional setting to disable outro music in Standard settings.
ADDED: Optional setting to disable upper right sling (may make the game easier).

CHANGED: Wiseman quest types in tournament mode are a fixed order: Ramps, Spins, Targets, Orbits, Loops
CHANGED: Bog ending video updated with all the proper effects tracks from the movie.
CHANGED: Ball save light removed from the 'spin' lightshows.
CHANGED: The empty balls utility will clear scoops also, if balls are detected.
CHANGED: The emtpy balls util will drop the orbit fork.
CHANGED: Reset-all utility clears the "Last Scores" also.
CHANGED: Collecting items with the pillar target trigger the 'item collect' sound effect.
CHANGED: Rear Firey doesn't pop up on EVERY orbit now, and has some associated sounds.
CHANGED: Orb for fireys lights when super jackpot is made; not when multiball is over (if earned).
CHANGED: Topper won't prompt player to "Enter 'FART'" if only 3 letters are allowed ;)

FIXED: Sir Didymus Add-a-ball wasn't working properly for Friend Multiball.
FIXED: Stacking Friendzy on Friend MB was a bad time.  Friendzy delays until MB is over now.
FIXED: Goblin City's "hide" phase would leave the scoops in an odd state when it was over.
FIXED: Several bug fixes to the operation of Battle Jareth.
FIXED: More robust "stop that infernal dancing!" tweaks for the topper.
FIXED: The "Balls missing" display could show the wrong number in some situations.
FIXED: If you set replay to extra ball, the replay attract page was busted on startup.
FIXED: Collecting the active friend's jackpot during friendzy didn't increase the amount of items needed.
FIXED: Draining in Goblin City when you're on the 'hide' at the hands step would get stuck.
FIXED: Hitting the pillar target for friend progress during an active combo caused problems.
FIXED: Helping Hands row change could inappropriately light during multiball in some conditions.
FIXED: Getting Tea Time from mystery while also collecting an orb would derail tea time.
FIXED: If game was set for 10 balls, the scoring would break on ball 10.
FIXED: Tilting during Goblin City would result in the modes not resetting to be played again.

Version: 2024.03.21
ADDED: Items left until jackpot is lit counter on the friend icons

CHANGED: "Tournament" setting disables lost ball compensation in ball search.
CHANGED: Oubliette now does the thing Bowen thought it did.
CHANGED: Fairy targets on either side of center ramp don't cancel skillshot if grazed.
CHANGED: Chopped off the lower volume intro on the fireys song, cut the end to loop better.
CHANGED: Four Guards and Bog should process 'left orbit' on a BKMB super trap/release now.
CHANGED: Wiseman Quests will not repeat 'type' until all 5 have been played.
CHANGED: Wiseman Quests 'type' order is randomzied per game, consistent for all players.
CHANGED: U-Turn shots count as loops for the wiseman quest loops 'type'.
CHANGED: Added hard stops to the topper dancing at multiball ends, in addition to the music queues.

FIXED: Auto-launch setting changes would only apply after rebooting the game.
FIXED: Tilting during a running mode would not reset LABYRINTH letters on the next ball.
FIXED: A specific situation with the friend MB could leave Sir Didymus with no shot to collect.
FIXED: The Goblin City orb could be earned more than once.
FIXED: The Friend Multiball start crash is FIXED!

Version: 2024.03.18
ADDED: Tea Party Multiball mystery award.
ADDED: Battle Jareth, if you can get there! Challenge mode will be added later.
ADDED: Travis Presents: Goblin Dance Party.
ADDED: 2 new game ending Ludo callouts to change things up a bit.
ADDED: Untested controls for physical knocker hooked to the Cabinet I/O board (match, high score, replay).
ADDED: Minimum height adjustment for Ludo's servo to allow for height variability of the village.
  To Adjust: Settings -> Tests -> Servos -> (+/-) over to Ludo, then follow on screen directions.

CHANGED: Nerfed the Fireys super jackpot so it's not compounding multipliers.
CHANGED: Orb multiplier can assign on left orbit when ball is trapped there.
CHANGED: Orb multiplier can assign on a shot under the left ramp, if detected properly.
CHANGED: Only one extra ball can/will collect on a scoop shot if more than one is pending.
CHANGED: Extra ball display updated to make the 'you only get points' more clear if over limit.
CHANGED: Updates to various default replay settings and Didymus defense hold time setting.
CHANGED: Rate limiter added to the junk lady blabbing when her target is hit.

FIXED: More places where the display was letting 1 line peek through at the bottom.
FIXED: Some other cases where friendzy parts could appear in front of other full-screen elements.
FIXED: Coil Test/Individual LED test didn't have working key-repeat in the menu.
FIXED: You could get the Friend MB & mode orbs a second time, playing again after Goblin City.
FIXED: Completing Bog during BK Multiball would leave the music faded out indefinitely.
FIXED: Topper extra ball starting reaction wasn't working.
FIXED: The Sir Didymus 'add-a-ball' indication could turn on outside of multiball (but not award).
FIXED: Draining out of GC Hide phase would not eject hidden ball and leave wiseman in broken state.
FIXED: Extra balls earned vs limit checking was still bad on collect, would prematurely reach limit.
FIXED: Level 3 Sir Didymus would still allow for selecting failed modes via helping hands.
FIXED: U-Turn ball save wasn't actually working.  Sorry BananaMan.
FIXED: Sir Didymus solid blue indication of post save being active wasn't happening at ball start.
FIXED: Typo on the Friend MB cancel screen
FIXED: Replay could still only be earned once per player number until reboot.
FIXED: Replay info attract page wasn't in the rotation.
FIXED: Friend multiball starting lightshow stops if the intro is cancelled.
FIXED: Friend MB jackpots get the "2 more"/"1 more" correct now.
FIXED: A logic hole that could let consolation BKMB start on top of Friend MB
FIXED: Tilting during an active mode could lead to bad times. BAD TIMES.
FIXED: Instant info wouldn't show the Wiseman Orb as collected until the next ball.
FIXED: "Labyrinth" difficulty ramping was completely broken.  Nobody noticed?

Version: 2024.02.19
ADDED: Ludo Pops up for phase 3 of Goblin City

FIXED: Completing the wiseman quest via mystery on a Friendzy Quest wouldn't let the ball out.
FIXED: Friend Jackpot display moved so that friendzy doesn't overlay on it.
FIXED: End of ball LED reset would interrupt topper LED portion.
FIXED: Intro video would re-play on extra balls earned in ball 1.
FIXED: Info sign point values (Hurry-up/Jackpot) properly reflect the Ludo 50% bonus
FIXED: For ball 1 restart, if left flipper is held before start is pressed - no second player is added.
FIXED: If Goblin City was already qualified at ball start, the lock arrow wouldn't light up.
FIXED: If Friendzy ended during Friend Multiball, the friend shot normal behavior would enable with MB.
FIXED: The topper trigger for start pressed with no credits wasn't working.
FIXED: If you double-flipped at JUST the right time you could get stuck in the bonus sequence.
FIXED: Wiseman spinner quest wouldn't count progress when certain other specific spinner things happened.

Version: 2024.02.16
If you already have a topper installed, you'll want to turn on the
new "Topper Enabled" setting in the new Topper Settings or the topper will 
no longer be active.
ADDED: More than 65 commentary 'scenes' from the topper              
ADDED: Friendzy! Wiseman quests 1, 3, 5, and 7+ start timed friend item collection modes.
ADDED: Wiseman Multiball - Earned with your 4th completed wiseman quest.
ADDED: New music during high score entry
ADDED: "oh lawd, he comin" eject warning sound effect added to the hands scoop.
ADDED: Color matched flourish in the GI for collecting a friend item.
ADDED: Setting for an optional ball save on a Right-to-left U-Turn shot, disabled by default.
ADDED: Service Menu -> Utilities -> System Info - to list all detected FAST boards and firmware versions.
ADDED: Key repeat (holding up/down) added to the service menu.
ADDED: Lost/Stuck ball compensation after 3 search cycles or 3 start game attempts.
ADDED: New setting menu for all the general topper settings.
ADDED: New audio setting for topper volume level. (In "standard" settings)
ADDED: New audio setting for main voice callout ducking when the topper is talking. (In "standard" settings)
ADDED: A display notification if the topper is enabled, but not detected/connected.
ADDED: Ball search will pulse the center wall up/down during ball search, if it's down.
ADDED: Environmental PF display scene for Goblin City.

CHANGED: Wiseman quests reworked a bit, Orb is now at 6 quests. Loop and Spinner quest types added.
CHANGED: Volume boosted on all the wisman lines for when the last shot of a quest is made.
CHANGED: music stays on during individual friend jackpot collects - fades out for MB countdown.
CHANGED: Empty balls utility will let balls out of the Ello lane if they fall in there on launch.
CHANGED: Cancelling out of the friend jackpot display will get you out faster now, TRAVIS.
CHANGED: "All Led" test properly compensates for the GI bulb RGB order being different.
CHANGED: Updated Friend Multiball intro video
CHANGED: BK multiball intro process updated to improve sync with audio in some stiuations.
CHANGED: Bog final shot to orbits will catch the ball if possible to hold for ending.
CHANGED: Selected mode flashes white/red if orb not yet earned, white/blue if orb was earned.
CHANGED: Firey's hurryup countdown will honor global pause if ball trapped and only 2 balls in play.
CHANGED: Friend MB countdown shows the 3 individual friend values instead of the jackpot total.
CHANGED: Friend MB shot values include a bonus for total items that friend has now.
CHANGED: Friend info screen wording on Ludos 2x perks updated for clarity.
CHANGED: Friend info screen during Friend MB shows info on shot value and not solo jackpots/active state.

FIXED: Extra balls still waiting to be collected when the ball ended would be lost.
FIXED: Extra ball wouldn't re-light after collecting one, if you had more waiting to be collected.
FIXED: Forcing a reset during an active ball save would break ball save going forward until a reboot.
FIXED: Typo in the friend multiball start countdown screen.
FIXED: Wiseman drop target wasn't always setting state correctly at ball start.
FIXED: Wiseman GUI bit wouldn't re-appear for additional quests on the same active ball.
FIXED: Unused coils no longer appear in the coil test rotation.
FIXED: Some weirdness with the switch menu preview when you'd scroll past it on the parent menu.
FIXED: Entering the service menu during the end of ball sequence would hard crash the game.
FIXED: Starting an EB after Ball 1 would leave modes in a 'rotating' state (like at game start).
FIXED: Firey's condition for collecting the orb was not properly tracked and wouldn't award.
FIXED: Ello lane collects were not triggering the global timer pause.
FIXED: Two different errors would allow stacking BK on Fireys and Friend Multiball.
FIXED: Goblin City info sign now shows appropriate COLLECT value for SJP based on score modifiers.
FIXED: Game state updates correctly after Goblin City ends.
FIXED: After the first BK MB lock status would get weird if you drained with locks lit.
FIXED: Timing out Fireys hurry ups would lose jackpots and make the super jackpot unreachable.
FIXED: Friend MB shot placements would fall apart after 2 main jackpots collected.
FIXED: Bad logic on EB availability check would deny EB if you had 'earned' more than the limit, 
       with no regard for how many you actually collected.

Changes to "Goblin City Multiball" gameplay in phase 1:
- The mode is started by locking a ball on the left orbit, between the forks and the 
  drop target, instead of through the U-Turn like normal modes.
- After the intro, second ball is launched.
- Progress is made with alternating shots to the ramps and bashing the captive ball 
  into the drop target.
- If you lose the loose ball, you can restart once by re-locking the remaining ball
  back into the left orbit.
- Once the golem is defeated, shoot under the left ramp to enter the city.
- The Sir Didymus Add-a-ball is available in the first phase, if you have 3 balls
  in play when you defeat the golem, you'll have to put the extra one in the hands
  scoop to enter the city (or lose it).

Version: 2023.12.15
ADDED: Network Support for doing future game updates.  Wired and Wifi.
ADDED: New Help lane sounds from Scott
ADDED: New 'Ello lane sounds from Scott
ADDED: New "multiball is ready" music for Brick Keepers MB.
ADDED: Feature setting for how long the Didymus Defense post is held up.
ADDED: Feature setting to enable/disable Didymus Defense failure compensation
ADDED: Extra ball lit for (Default: 10) "friend items" collected in total.
ADDED: 3rd "mystery" collect will be extra ball lit, if player is below the EB limit.
ADDED: Display for 'extra ball is lit'.
ADDED: Display & Audio for "Adventurer (x) Shoot again" on extra ball turn start.
ADDED: Optional ball save for left ramp eject in Feature settings - off by default.
ADDED: Hard-coded 10 second delayed ball search after tilt event.
ADDED: "Empty Balls" utility checks/fires all the scoops if there are balls within.
ADDED: Lightshow stuff for Friend Multiball: countdown, start, and jackpots.

CHANGED: Didymus cheap drain protection wasn't enabled on 'free' posts during live ball save
CHANGED: Trough logic tweaked to try to improve "just before it went off" ball saves.
CHANGED: Timing adjustments to releasing a fork trapped ball after multiball ends.
CHANGED: Wiseman Drop and mystery targets also trigger beggar magnet now (more like; again)
CHANGED: Ball save insert 'extra ball' indication is now pink instead of blue, for clarity.
CHANGED: Wiseman Quest extra ball lit is after 2 quests now, instead of 3.
CHANGED: Mystery 'Cuppa Points' value increased
CHANGED: Tilt now triggers the same 'release everything' that 'balls missing' does.
CHANGED: Knockers speech parts separated and played in the appropriate channel for clarity.
CHANGED: Four Guards speech parts separated and played in the appropriate channel for clarity.
CHANGED: Friend multiball clip speech parts boosted a bit for clarity.
CHANGED: Prevent ball search when shooter lane switch is closed.
CHANGED: Active player's title and "Is on a Quest" is now a different color.
CHANGED: Fireys trap/hurryup will obey global pause -- IF only 2 balls are in play.
CHANGED: Friend MB tweaked to get back to the action faster after major jackpot collect.

FIXED: Ello lane skillshot would 'stick' the "do not process on a plunge" flag.
FIXED: Left ramp wasn't dropping properly after making 2nd shot in oubliette.
FIXED: Two different parts of the framework were both handling the didymus save and fighting about it.
FIXED: You couldn't actually get the 'bridge' skillshot before, it'd give you the reverse.
FIXED: Ramp skillshot was also broken.
FIXED: A dumb bug in match that was making it always come up zero.
FIXED: Knockers "Progress" lightshow was playing more often than it should.
FIXED: "Stench" data wasn't saving to high score data properly, so attract mode stench would fail.
FIXED: Tweaks to several sections to help LED indications recover after menu use during the game.
FIXED: An order of operations issue in the "total bonus" math could cause problems in some situations.
FIXED: An error in center diverter control could drop the center wall in MB when it shouldn't.
FIXED: Under certain conditions, when Cleaners timed out the spinner lightshow could get stuck on.
FIXED: Under certain conditions the 'mode start' scoop event was not removed when multiball started.
FIXED: Goblin City phase 2 ball save bonus time was using Ludo's level instead of Sir Didymus' level.

Version: 2023.11.17
ADDED: Progress lightshow for Knockers
ADDED: Pink GI wave for hitting mystery targets

CHANGED: Four Guards only awards the 'high' value for the correct color one time on each
         of the four shots.  Repeat toggling will only award low value.
FIXED: A change in 11.14 for control of the Ludo toy caused problems with control of
       all of the toys.
FIXED: Tilt was completely broken because of an error in the new "if door is open" check.

Version: 2023.11.14
ADDED: 'Spinning' light shows added for Cleaners and Fireys spinner hits.
ADDED: Progress lightshows for Four Guards.
ADDED: Pop-up display for "player added".
ADDED: Callouts for "player added".
ADDED: New setting to allow tilt to register when ball is in shooter lane if desired.
ADDED: If the lift ramp opto is blocked for 2 seconds, ramp will raise.  May help trapped 
       balls clear sooner in some situations.
ADDED: If a full horseshoe shot is detected when the center diverter should be down, try 
       again to lower the center diverter.

CHANGED: Modifications to the FAST expansion board detection for reliability.
CHANGED: Volume control system tweaks to give the user finer control.
CHANGED: Flipper secondary power can be adjusted down to zero now, if desired.
CHANGED: Ball search timeout is half as long during multiball. 
CHANGED: High score entry manual scrolling with buttons can go faster now.
CHANGED: Friend MB cancel is a 'hold' for 1 second now, instead of any press.
CHANGED: Brick Keeper multiball lightshow choreography tightened up.
CHANGED: Ludo 'calls the rocks' at the start of Bog now
CHANGED: Sound effect for "Labyrinth Complete" shortened by half.
CHANGED: New sound for the u-turn switches that is less doorbell.
CHANGED: Tilt will not register if the coin door interlock is open.
CHANGED: Ello Mystery/Orb won't register to collect if the last switch activated was the shooter lane.
CHANGED: Brick Keeper keeper super jackpot adjustments to try to avoid auto collect on a HARD spin
         when trapping the ball.  (Same adjustment made to Firey's jackpots)

FIXED: If match was disabled the game would not properly end, so a new game could not be started.
FIXED: Speaker lights default setting was off instead of on.
FIXED: LED test +/- navigation from the coin door was reversed.
FIXED: If Ludo was 'found' on a left ramp shot, the roof wiggle would interrupt the proper animation
FIXED: Volume level display didn't properly fill in the last 'box' for full volume.
FIXED: Wording on "Balls Missing" wasn't good at adapting to overage or empty states.
FIXED: Topper general lighting wasn't on after game start; until the topper 'talked'
FIXED: Hitting enter/start rapidly while the service menu was starting up would cause problems 
FIXED: In 3 player game, no indication of current ball number during player 3's turn
FIXED: Tilting during multiball would lock the 'game is in multiball' flag on, affecting other things
FIXED: Ello Worm lane wouldn't clear a held ball after a tilt.
FIXED: 'Ello Worm lane controller wasn't shutting down clean on a tilt, so was in an odd state on 
       the following ball.
FIXED: Settings based on an array of choices wouldn't "wrap" correctly if user went "up" past 
       the last option.

Version: 2023.11.02
ADDED: "Stink FOREVER" means more now than it used to, as high score records will retain the stink
ADDED: "Feature" option for eternally stenched players to have fart sound effects follow them
       for the rest of the game.  (Default setting: Disabled))
ADDED: Progress lightshows for Bog
ADDED: Four Guards and Cleaners environmental backgrounds for lower display
ADDED: Modes calculate average completion time for audits
ADDED: Vanity scores for the 6 main modes for fastest completion
ADDED: Left flipper + start button for 2 seconds ends game if reset is enabled in settings,
       regardless of what ball the game is on.  Holding start alone still works on ball 2+.
ADDED: Fireys "Add-a-ball" ball save timer feature setting
ADDED: Fireys now has the 'look here' lightshow and on screen text for ending with a ball in the fork
ADDED: Option to disable speaker lights added to Standard settings
ADDED: A sound effect for when a player is added to game.  Probably not the permanent one.
ADDED: New Mystery award option: Bonus Multiplier
ADDED: Goblin City is fully operational
ADDED: Single option "reset all" in reset utility for all settings/data/audits at once.
ADDED: Feature setting for Sir Didymus add-a-ball save time

CHANGED: Green shots in bog do not pulse, only the orange.  For visual clarity.
CHANGED: Start button light behavior changed to line up with expected standards.
CHANGED: Four Guards has a secondary "question" shot on the center ramp (half point value)
CHANGED: Friend multiball rules & scoring adjusted (more shots, more points - basically)
CHANGED: Debounce lowered on coin switches to (hopefully) improve DBV compatability
CHANGED: Sir Didymus level 2 add-a-ball lit automatically on multiball start now
CHANGED: Sir Didymus level 3 reward is now +5 seconds to all major ball save timers

FIXED: If the oubliette left ramp second shot timed out, it wouldn't re-light
FIXED: If the "saved" or "cancelled" banner was on in the settings editor when the user
       exited the menu, it would get stuck

Gameplay changes to the Fireys:
- On start, the game will attempt to lock the added ball in the trap on the orbit from the
  auto-launch before releasing the original ball
- There is a 4 second timeout on this attempted auto-trap. In the event that the auto-launch
  does not make the full circuit, the trap will be lit and work normally.
- The head pop shots have a spinner bonus amount added now, like the brick keeper jackpots
- Scoring is multiplied by the number of balls in play
- The order of gameplay is slightly changed;
  Before: (trap) (red arrow shot) (pop) - Now: (trap) (pop) (red arrow to re-light the trap)
- Shot and jackpot values increment a small amount each time, instead of staying at a set
  level until the super jackpot.

Version: 2023.10.26:
ADDED: High Score Entry indicates how many letters are allowed to be entered
FIXED: High Score Entry didn't show last letter entered.
FIXED: Knockers and Oubliette lower PF videos weren't playing properly
FIXED: Rapid tapping of the start button could re-start the game instead of adding another player
FIXED: Credits were only being used for game start - not additional players.

Version: 2023.10.25:
ADDED: Bog, Fireys, Knockers and Oubliette have environmental lower playfield display videos from Trent
ADDED: Jareth feature insert flashes yellow any time the beggar magnet is triggered
ADDED: "hey look here" choreography for ending Brick Keepers with a ball in the orbit fork
ADDED: Brick Keepers multiball ending total screen mentions to look for ball if held in trap
ADDED: New endgame sequence lightshow for high score, match and end sections.

CHANGED: Brick Keepers multiball starting choreography (timing & light show) updated
CHANGED: All three scoops will try to clear on any iteration of ball search after the 2nd full pass.
CHANGED: Didymus Defense post activates during ball save any time the upper switch is hit
CHANGED: Didymus Defense cheap drain protection doesn't care if you're in multiball or not now
CHANGED: Didymus Defense default setting changed to 1 free use per ball.
CHANGED: "Change mode" target hit SFX is now discretely called and not basic a "switch effect"
CHANGED: "Change mode" target action disabled during multiball in addition to when mode is running
CHANGED: Right outlane videos are not able to be cancelled by the player double flipping
CHANGED: Using helping hands completes "labyrinth" if not already completed.
CHANGED: Orb collect disables futher orb collections until shot multiplier has been assigned
CHANGED: "left_coin" switch changed to "coin_3" - config added for "coin_2" and "coin_1" on switches 0 and 1
CHANGED: "dbv_coin" added in switch position 21 on the DBV connector
CHANGED: Checking "free game percent" will return a fake value until there are at least 20 paid games
CHANGED: MATCH doesn't guarantee a WIN if you're under target free % - just guarantees a LOSS if over.
CHANGED: Match will avoid the 'winning number' near the end of rotation so it can't end weirdly
CHANGED: Brick Keeper multiball default ball save changed to 20 seconds
CHANGED: Diverter wall drop pulses the coil for 30ms rather than 20ms
CHANGED: Some changes to the replay setting defaults
CHANGED: Text on wiseman quest GUI made larger/moved up
CHANGED: Adjusting main volume from the service buttons ALSO adjusts the subwoofer the same amount,
         the subwoofer setting can still be adjusted independently for fine tuning.
CHANGED: Knocker enabled setting put back and changed to "knocker installed" because it can be wired
         in to the FAST cabinet board by the end user if desired.

FIXED: Fireys "trap shot" value had bad math if you had lit the optional center shot
FIXED: Fireys "trap shot" value was adjusted based on which shots you had lit, regardless of which
       one you actually shot
FIXED: Right wise man target was reporting as left wise man target in audits, so left was high, right was 0
FIXED: Display names were wrong on right speaker LEDs and none of the speaker led names were numbered.
FIXED: <START> button didn't work for <ENTER> in the reset utility menu
FIXED: Bad logic in the "update_average" calculation - have to reset audits to get good data going forward
FIXED: Credit data wasn't initializing properly if never "reset" on a fresh install
FIXED: Broken function call in the 'credit up' portion of earning a replay
FIXED: Friends qualification requirements were broken once they got to level 4
FIXED: Friend icons on the jackpot screen have their appropriate stars now
FIXED: "bonus credit" flag was on by default, which affected audits (not counting paid credits properly)
FIXED: Title on sign for "Friend Multiball" was still referencing an earlier inside joke.
FIXED: Wording on the instructions sign for the four guards last shot was incorrect
FIXED: High score entry wouldn't reset to "A" at the start of additional player name entry

Version: 2023.10.14A:
(First public release at Pinball Expo 2023)